Tuesday, September 23, 2008


White-knuckled fist grasping the very last knot
of the Great Braided Chord.
Pain gathers at the tips of calloused fingers
taunting and promising relief if they only let go.
Tendon and sinew shred as shoulders burn
and threaten to escape socketed homes.
Weight of painful experiences gathered over time
pulls at finger and fist and shoulder.
Only HOPE keeps burning hands from releasing.

Reach out your hands and clutch the darkness.
Brush it away and only more dark fills its place.
Steps taken are unknown and unseen
on this path whose light has long since extinguished.
Trip and stumble on those obstacles placed
specifically for your feet.
Fear is crippling the long unknown walk
into uncharted places of uncontrolled danger.
Only HOPE motivates the next dark step.

What choice do we have?
Letting go of the rope assures our destruction
and standing still and alone in the dark is no life at all.
But, there is always HOPE.